To book or inquire about an outing, please call the course of your choice. Fox Creek, contact Mike LaCroix, (248) 471-3400; Whispering Willows, contact Paul Worley, (248) 476-4493; Idyl Wyld contact Terry Welsh, (734) 464-6325, or Terry via e-mail –> click here.
Fox Creek Food Packages
Courtesy of Coach’s Corner Bar & Grill, 248-473-1300
Whispering Willows Food Packages
Courtesy of Tin Cup Bar and Grill, 248-426-0967,
Idyl Wyld Food Packages
Courtesy of One Under Bar & Grill, 734-464-5555
Note: The City of Livonia Golf Courses and the restaurants at each facility are separately owned and managed businesses. Although we work very closely together, all food and beverage options for your event, including beverage cart, must be set up between you and the respective restaurant.